Nikon D5200 – Interval timer test.

I’ve been testing the new Nikon D5200 for an upcoming article in Shoot. It’ll be published shortly but I just wanted to post a very short time-lapse that I made with the D5200 and it’s built in interval timer. The interval timer is a function that is included in a lot of cameras now, but how many people actually use it?

The images in the sequence were shot in JPG and the only processing was to crop them and compile them into the video. No further post production or manipulation. I’m quite impressed with the dynamic range of the basic JPG output.


2 responses to “Nikon D5200 – Interval timer test.”

  1. paul bates Avatar
    paul bates

    Interesting, I have a D5200 and it produces awful interval work, every image has different exposures, despite setting everything to manual, maybe I have a bad camera, your shots here look perfect!


  2. that’s odd. Unless there was some dramatic lighting changes during the shots it should all remain the same. You had everything manual, Auto ISO was off and Auto WB too?

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