Category: Commericial Photography
Saturday was a busy day for a slightly eccentric and off-the-wall friend and colleague Filip Bunkens. The 21st April was Filip’s birthday. He could have just invited a pile of friends over but instead he decided to take his party to them. On his 30th birthday he decided to use 30 cameras for 30 minutes…
D800 & D4 out in the wild.
As in intermission to the main feature of the D800 in NY, I took the D800 and it’s big brother, the D4 out for a test shoot in Ghent. The goal was Zero favourtism for either camera. Put some lenses on and shoot with the camera that had the right lens at the right time.…
NYC48 – Part 1 – The Streets of NY
I’ve just had a seriously intense 48hours in New York. It was a challenge set by Nikon Europe to test their new D800 as much as we could in 48hours. We, as in representatives from just about all of the European nations. Photographers, Videographers and Writers made up the bulk of the group and were…
Vedett Motel
Vedett is just one of the brands of beer brewed by the famous Belgian Brewery, Duvel Moortgat. Known for the funky advertising and presence at events they hit upon a fabulous marketing stunt of building a motel inside a concrete mixer. Yes, A proper truck based concrete mixer… I was asked by the marketing and…
pixels, pixels, everywhere As with all new camera releases, very little is left to surprise anymore. The internet is a rumour mill that churns out a mix of speculation, assumption with self-appointed authoritative figures giving their exact predictions and plenty chipping in with their fantasy wish list. The new Nikon D800 was ‘officially’ launched on…