Category: Commericial Photography
Being fast, flexible and dealing with it.
Sometimes photographers have to work in far less than ideal circumstances and are still expected to produce images that are used for advertising. This is one such case.Maybe very familiar to some, but to others a nightmare. A client of mine owns a chain of clothing shops, every year they hold a couple of events…
So, it’s up and ready. It’s had a few bookings already and I’m quite proud of what I’ve put together. I hope anyone reading this will take the time, have a look and let me know what they think. Click the image to be Snapped over to TheSnapBox site!
Big Green Egg Challenge
This was an interesting experience. Me cooking. There is no more cook in me than there is ballet dancer, yet I wanted to try and show that even a stranger to the kitchen could put some things together and cook them just fine on the Big Green Egg. The BGE is an outdoor smoker/grill, made…
Studio? What studio?
Not all photographers are lucky enough, or even have the desire to have a studio to work in but that’s no reason why any photographer can’t make one, as and when they need it. The following shots might look like they were made in a studio but in fact they were shot in living room…
360° Panoramic photography
One of my specialities is creating interactive 360° panoramic photographs. Through a combination of hardware and software use, a fully immersive 360° photo can be produced and displayed on or offline. 360° panoramas have been around for a while but due to poor capture techniques they can appear very distorted in play-back, something that my…