Many colleagues have come to me with the same question. “where do you get your prints made?” Most are just not satisfied with what the more commercial labs and printers are offering. For this reason we invested in our own large format printer plus the training to get the best from it. The results speak for themselves, not only are we happy with the print quality, all our current clients are too.
What you imagine is what you get
This is one step up from ‘what you see is what you get’ Our setup is calibrated to produce the optimum results from your images. All the papers we use are profiled to ensure the correct colours are printed. No more hoping that thing will look right, they will look right. However, this is never taken for granted. Anything and everything can be adjusted to suit the client’s needs.
Our service continues where other printing services stop. How? Simple. We offer a personal service that means each image we print is looked at individually, not just pushed through the system in a mass production. It doesn’t stop there. We offer every client the chance to come to the studio and really see what goes on. This is very useful for the first printing session, again, no guesswork, not blind faith and hope that the prints will come out as you hoped, they will. We take the time to fine tune the images if needed and wished by the client until the look is as desired. However, you can rest assured, we do not alter anything without consent.
At the moment we offer 4 top quality papers and 1 canvas. These products have been thoroughly tested and can be seen and tested during a visit to us. We are constantly looking to offer other media types, but will only do so when we are totally happy with the profiling and results.
As this is a personal printing service, aimed at professionals and serious amateurs, there’s no anonymous uploading/printing/dispatching. So we would like to invite you to make an appointment and come to see for yourself how we can improve your printed work experience.
Feel free to contact us for our price list and to make your appointment.
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