Tag: XPro1
Fujifilm .RAF processing in Lightroom 4.4RC
I’ve just done a quick test of the new Lightroom release candidate. At last, Adobe have included the long awaited optimised file handling of Fujifilm’s X-Trans sensor output. I personally hadn’t had much issue with the processing of my Fujifilm RAW files but some people have complained about mosaic patterns being seen in detailed areas…
Fujifilm Belgium HQ decoration
Last year I was commissioned by Fujifilm Belgium to produce a set of images that they could use to decorate their super-clean international training centre in Zaventem, Belgium. One of the ideas we came up with was a series of abstract images depicting the details of the building and machines they have in the training…
Fujifilm X-Pro1 in London
Up until yesterday there have been 2 things I hadn’t done in a long time. 1. Relax. 2. Go back to my roots. Two Things that were remedied yesterday with a brief trip to London, combined with a few hours of just walking around town and making photos for nobody else but me. I met…
A Retrospective look.
Like many photographers, I can never have enough bags. I’m scared to even think how many camera bags I’ve tried and used over the last few years. Always on the lookout for the perfect bag and thinking more about travelling light on some assignments, I was happy when the nice people over at Thinktank…