Ultra-high detail Panoramas

Up until now I have been shooting a lot of high quality interactive 360˚ Panoramas for various industries such as the aviation, automotive and interior architecture. These panoramas are designed to run either online via a browser or mobile on a tablet device. Although the resolution of the final image is high, I wanted to take it a step further into ultra-high resolution panorama images that can be used for large scale printing.

Below is a test I made using some new hardware that can create ridiculously high resolution images, efficiently and accurately.

If you or your company needs either  interactive 360˚ Panoramas or ultra high resolution images for printing. Feel free to get in touch.

Here is a view of Antwerp, reduced to 900px to fit on the page layout. The original file is ‘just’ 65000px wide. With a different hardware setup this pixel-count could be a lot bigger.
The arrow points to an area detailed in the last image of this series.



This is a crop of 25% of the full sized panorama.


This is a 1:1 crop of the Antwerp panorama showing the MAS museum in the far distance. Bearing in mind this was shot with some haze in the air, shot on a good day the detail levels would be even higher. Shot with a different hardware setup, we’d even see details inside that building.



One response to “Ultra-high detail Panoramas”

  1. Impressive is the right word, Rob

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